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Literature Text

TinkerBell and all related characters ©Disney.

The mysterious Winter Woods. What fairy does not know about it? As far back as any one could remember, it has been an enigma, a place not to be tampered with, in any way or form. Set apart from the rest of Pixie Hollow, the only way to cross over, is by flight, or a single branch that bridges the two worlds. Just adjacent to the Autumn Wood, it is the border crossing for the animals destined for hibernation. Back then, until recently, the rule was thus: no warm fairy is permitted to cross over, by any means. It was for their own protection. The rule was set by Queen Clarion long ago, due to the incident that permanently disabled a fairy. Yet, the mysterious force that drew TinkerBell to defy the order, changed her life forever, as well as for all of Pixie Hollow.

When TinkerBell's snowmaker was knocked over into the dividing waterway by Lord Milori, it resulted in the casting of a hard freeze that quickly spread to the other seasons in the realm. In an effort to warn the winter fairies of the impending danger, the tinker fairy suffered the worst thing that could happen to a fairy, and render them permanently flightless: a broken wing. Once a wing is broken, it can not be healed. Yet, if it hadn't been for one fairy that TinkerBell shares a very special bond with, known as the Secret of the Wings, she'd be the second to suffer this fate, alongside Lord Milori.

Flying through the forest, Periwinkle went about her play and practice. Born of the same laugh as TinkerBell, they are essentially twin sisters. Separated by need, yet reunited by a destiny that only those two understand. Sharing the same interests, with the exception of their physical differences, they are basic mirrors of each other. While TinkerBell is a tinker fairy, Periwinkle is an accomplished frost fairy. Her talent revolves around protecting the flora from the cold, using frost, which acts as a blanket to retain warmth. She's proven very versed at it, and loves it immensely. Her closest friends, Gliss and Spike, were with her when her wings began to shimmer for the first time. And as they prepare to bring winter to the world, none will forget the day that she and the warm fairy met, and discovered their connection.

"Is it cold enough?" asked Periwinkle, as they practiced in the frost forest.

"Possibly," said Spike, lazily touching a single branch, frosting it over. "Why so eager?"

"Does it have to do with your sister's boyfriend?" Gliss asked excitedly. She has a tendency to be rather exuberant, and eager to the point of awkwardness, "huh, do it, do it?"

As the other two gathered around their friend, she gave off a faint glow of red on her cheeks. Gliss grinned ear to ear.

"Oooooh," she said giddily, "you have crush on him? Don't you?" Periwinkle blushed a heavy red.

"Thought so," said Spike plainly, "that's how it is with twins."

"It is?" Periwinkle said in surprise, as she was suddenly hit with a pain in her head. She placed her hands on the sides of her head, trying to deal with the increasing pain. Glist and Spike flew over to her quickly.

"Peri," said Spike, "are you alright?" as she and Gliss got on either side of their friend.

"Ohhh," she moaned, hands still holding her head, "I'm...not...feeling...good..." and just as quick, her eyes rolled up in her head, and she plummeted towards the snowy ground. Gliss and Spike hurried to catch her, yet another fairy, very fast, swooped down and caught her in mid-descent.

"Oh, Sled," cried Gliss, as the winter animal fairy hovered level with the two frost fairies.

"What happened?" Sled asked, holding a now unconscious and limp Periwinkle in his arms.

"We don't know," said Spike, "one minute we were talking, next minute she had a pain in her head, and she just went unconscious just now."

"I'm taking her to the Keeper's place," he said, "you two go find Lord Milori," as all three tended to their dire task.

At the snow cave, filled with stacks of thin slabs of ice, a figure sits hidden behind the pedestal he scribbles on. He muses to himself, as he writes another page on the history and abilities of fairies. He was startled at the abrupt opening of the doors to his domain.

"Wh-wh-who's there?" he asks in his European accent, peering up from his perch. He was never interrupted this harshly.

"Dewey!" a male voice called out to him. The elder fairy fluttered upward, tall staff in hand, to see what the commotion was all about.

Dewey, known as the Keeper, is tasked with the obtaining and maintaining of all fairy knowledge. Everything about the magical creatures, he has written about, and the majority of his volumes of fairy wisdom resides in the library in Pixie Hollow. And with the recent emergence and encounter of the pair of very rare twin sister fairies, he is currently in the process of writing an updated chapter for his book on Wingology. One could say that he is the Albert Einstein of fairies.

"What's the matter?" he asked in his wise tone.

"It's Periwinkle," said Sled hurriedly, "Glist and Spyke said that she suffered a headache, then lost consciousness." He laid the frost fairy in the middle of the hidden snowflake in the middle of the floor. Dewey examined her slightly.

"We better find out what's going on, don't we," as he tapped the bottom of his staff on the snowflake, the figure glowing intensely, with the middle section magically rising up towards the ceiling of the cave. Arriving at the top, the lights, similar to the Northern Lights, glowed intensely, yet in confusion. Dewey looked upon them, startled at their reaction.

"My," he said in wonderment, "in all my years, I've never seen this happen."

"What is it?" Sled asked.

"By the way the lights are dimming," Dewey said, choking up, "it seems," pausing, ""

Sled showed calmness in shock, hearing the possibly horrible news. "Dying? How can that be?" he asked in disbelief.

"I-I don't know," he asked in confusement, as the snowflake returned to the ground, to be met with Glist, Spyke and Lord Milori. The lord of winter approached the still figure of the frost fairy, and knelt beside her.

"I hope it's not what I think it is," he said, "but we have to be sure. We need to get the queen here, quick."

"Fiona," Dewey called out, as his albino lynx appeared, kneeling down to her master, "Bring the queen to the border, we'll meet you there," as the snow cat moved with quickness to fulfill her given task.

Minutes later, Clarion, the queen of all fairies, arrived on the back of the lynx, with her insulated coat on, just in case she had to cross over into the Winter Woods. Upon arrival, she floated down and crossed over, Fiona following behind. Lord Milori walked towards her, a forlorn look on his face, carrying Periwinkle in his arms. The frost fairy's skin had turned an unusual pale white, though she was surrounded by the cold that sustained her. And from what Clarion noticed, her wings were nearly nonexistent, having faded to nothingness.

"The spell has returned so soon," she said, "and so fast. It must be due to the connection between Belle and Periwinkle. I've never known it to do like this."

"What affects one, will affect the other," Dewey said, "though the spell I didn't know about its effects on twin fairies. This is odd indeed."

"It was the one formerly known as Peter Pan that healed Belle nearly a year ago, though his son might know the same antidote spell as he does," said Clarion, as the lord of winter caught on to what she was saying.

"It should be cold enough," he said, as he called his snow owl, "Crescent, fly to the mainland and bring back the son of Peter Pan," as the white fowl took off with a push, taking flight.

"We only hope it's not too late," the queen said, the other fairies gazing down at the dying form of the frost fairy. If it is true, this may be Periwinkle's destiny as well, similar to her sister's. Only time will tell.


It had been an hour since Mr. Smee went underwater to bypass the magical barrier that closed off the entrance to the cave. As the pixie dust flowed like a waterfall from the tree, the captain looked through his binoculars, as his first mate filled both waterproof bags with the magical substance. Tying them up securely, and around his shoulders, he submerged again and made his way back to the waiting ship.
Climbing up the rope ladder to the deck, the other crew members helped him aboard, and unloaded the bags from his form. Just then, one of them noticed a flying figure gliding quickly over them.

"Captain," one of the shouted, "look up!"

The man put his binoculars to his face, and saw a strange sight, a snow white owl flying with great speed towards the second star in the sky.

"I wonder," he said thoughtfully. He didn't know much about the magical land of fairies, except what the crew told him, and what he'd heard about his father's encounter with them. "We'll have to see," as he made his way into his quarters, where the pixie dust resided. Opening the bags slightly, the substance rendered a glow and power that can only be described as supernatural. He grinned.

"The time approaches," he said to himself, "and it will be well worth it."


At the tree that housed the fairy camp, Mike was amazed at the various uses for pixie dust. With just a few sprinkles, Zarina has created a garden similar to that at Mike's home in Detroit. His mother Sara kept their garden immaculate, and their yard has garnered more than a few accolades from the local floral societies in the city.

In addition to that, light reflection made a big difference in the display. The only thing that was off was that it constantly got in Vidia's eyes, throwing her off as she flew at speed, to keep up her practice as a fast flying fairy.

"Zarina," she complained, "would you stop that?" shaking her head clear of temporary blindness.

"Sorry," she said, as she continued to mix concoctions, to show her guest the mechanics of pixie dust alchemy. "So," she continued, "with different parts of nature, I can make dust to mimic a different nature fairy's talent."

"So the color corresponds with that fairy's talent," he said, unsure of his answer.

"Yeah," she replied, "but with the blue pixie dust, it greatly expands the power. Turns a trickle into a roar," she added, smiling.

"Like when you almost destroyed the dust depot," said Belle, sitting in the grass beside her boyfriend.

"You're never gonna let me live that down, aren't you?" she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, you will, eventually, but," thinking, "what did you mean when you said that you owed me one?"

Zarina flew up to the magical human's face. "Because it was you that brought me home, back to Pixie Hollow, who showed me how to be true to myself."

"It was us," Belle said, "not just me. Believe me, I know what you've been through, it's happened many times to me. At times, I felt that I didn't belong, yet it took a disaster for me, when I first arrived, to find who I am and to learn to be true to myself."

"You've taught us a lot," Mike spoke, thinking of what he went through with his affliction and trials. Suddenly, a white figure swooped down, startling both humans and fairies, homing in on the male of the group. The fowl gently landed on Mike's shoulder. He was very surprised, but Belle wasn't.

"Crescent?" she said quizzically, as Zarina spotted a snowflake attached to his talon. Taking it off, she read it, and shock appeared on her face.

"What does it say?" asked the magical human.

"It says here that," slightly choked up, "your sister, is...dying."

"Peri," Belle placed both hands over her mouth, Mike in shock as well. Zarina continued.

"It says that you and Mike must come back to Pixie Hollow now, before it's too late," as the message melted. Both stood up.

"No time to waste," as she went into her fairy form, wings sparkles and all. She immediately cast her hand to Mike, as a shower of dust covered his form, lifting him off the ground. Both Zarina and Vidia hovered around, ready to go, but Belle stopped them.

"No," she said, "it's getting too cold for you to fly, and we need you here to help tend to Peri when we return, okay?"
Both fairies sighed, knowing they'd be best needed near the cottage.

"Okay," relented Vidia, "but let me allow the winds to guide you, to make your trip faster."

"Sounds good," said Mike, as he took to the air, with Crescent in front of him, and Belle behind. Mike's flying ability had improved dramatically, since they left Detroit two days ago, to get here. The wind fairy swept her hands, creating a gentle gust of wind, that expedited their trip past the second star.

"We'll be back soon," Mike called as the two humans and one snow owl took off in a great hurry. Zarina and Vidia could do nothing but watch. Both sighed.

"If only I were human," muttered Vidia.

"Same thing here," added Zarina. Mike's gentile demeanor and meekness is rubbing off, and causing them to have feelings they never thought of having. And they thought that TinkerBell was a rare talent.

Flying with all deliberate speed past the second star, Belle and Mike, with Crescent the snow owl guiding them, they had no idea that they were being watched.

On watch like a hawk, a pirate of the Jolly Roger spotted the sight, and tracked them until they landed somewhere within Pixie Hollow. He knocked on the door.

"Captain, captain!" he called, waiting the person inside. the door opened, revealing the captain of the ship.

"Yes?" he asked in grogginess.

"I've spotted them, following an owl," as he saw the captain hurriedly put on his jacket and exited his quarters. Looking up at the sky, he mused for a minute.

"Something must have happened in the realm of fairies, for them to return like they did," sporting a grin, "yet we'll be ready for them when they pass over again."


Arriving in Pixie Hollow within minutes, the two and the snow owl headed to the border, that bridges the warm seasons and the Winter Woods. Reverting to her human form, Belle and Mike crossed into the snowy cold that was once off limits. Sporting nice insulated coats, each knelt down to as much of their level as possible. The sight of her twin sister in that state nearly brought Belle to tears. It made Mike sad as well, having just met her a day prior, and seeing her fondness of him.

"Peri," she muttered, as Sled flew up and placed her fairy sister in her hands. Queen Clarion hovered to their level.

"Belle, it is sad," she said, "yet you were in this same state over a year ago."

"I was?" she asked.

"Yes, you were in bad shape, and none of us knew what to do. But one of the ministers suggested we try your friend Peter Pan, and he eventually saved your life." She hovered towards Mike. "Michael, do you remember the spell your father used?"

Mike thought for a minute. "Not off hand, I haven't heard it since I was a kid, Hook tried to use that spell on me for another reason, but
I'll have to find it."

Lord Milori spoke. "It is cold enough, so if you need to take Periwinkle with you, do so."

"We can keep her in the freezer," Belle said, "that way she'd be surrounded by cold constantly."

"Do this," concluded the queen, "for your sister's sake, and all of Pixie Hollow."

With that, Belle placed possession of Periwinkle in Mike's hands, as she converted to her human fairy form, and cast dust onto him, as he began to take flight.

"Be forewarned," said Queen Clarion, "if the spell is not broken by sunset tomorrow, your sister will be gone, forever."

Belle shut her eyes tight, as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I won't let anything happen to my sister," she said, "and that's a promise," as she and Mike turned and flew off towards the second star, that led to the mainland.


In the sea not too far from Skull rock, the Jolly Roger sat in waiting. The captain had his plan fully mapped out, having planned it out to perfection. He was told that during the time that fairy was with them, each, including his father, was shown how to fly using pixie dust, and thus it was settled.
Having two lifeboats made things easier, as two crewmen manned a boat each, and with the help of pixie dust, were able to float up to the clouds and hide, waiting for their targets to appear. Armed with harpoon guns, their goal was to capture the two of them, one on each side. As one rowed, the other laid with the harpoon gun, ready to fire a lasso at them. They didn't have to wait for long.

Flying along on their flight path, Mike sought to comfort his girlfriend.

"Don't worry Belle," he said in an assuring manner, "we'll get Peri back to normal before sunset tomorrow."

"I hope so," she replied, still a bit emotional, "if you were to lose Ashley, you'd do the same thing too, wouldn't you?"

"Darn right, I would," he said confidently, "it was you and my sister that brought me back to myself."

As they passed over the mass of water, they never noticed the ship below them, and the man standing on deck. Completely oblivious of the trap. Just then, each of them heard two shots.

"Huh?' said Mike, as he felt something hook around his feet, tighten, and tugging on him.

"Wha-" as Belle felt the same thing, that prevented her from flying any further. Looking back, she and her boyfriend just realized what happened.

"Pirates...!" they said in unison.
Chapter 4, please read and comment. Thanks.
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